Asian Hornets

Asian Hornets are a disaster for beekeeping in this country. They have arrived over from France and have begun to spread across the UK since 2016. Luckily their numbers are still fairly low but it is really important that they are found and removed by the authorities. Asian hornets are an invasive species and eat … Read more

Winterising 2024

So it is that time of year where the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting colder. Time to wrap up the hives for winter. We have a mild winter here in the UK so I don’t plan to do much. The poly hives are great for this as they retain heat much … Read more

Beehive Monitoring.

Firstly this is not an endorsement for any product or company. This is a description of my journey and the ups, downs and reasoning behind my discissions. The Problem 2023 was an awful year for me with honey.  I had 3 flow supers and one cut comb and a double brood for Queen rearing and … Read more

So this is me.

I started beekeeping back in 2015 when having been thinking about bees for a while I got an advert on facebook for a new type of hive called a Flow Hive. Long story short and I ended up being one of the first investors in the project, but more importantly I ended up with my … Read more